Sunday, March 13, 2016

MOVIE- BOOK differences and similarities

A clockwork orange
Comparison between Anthony Burguss’s book and Stanley “AMAZING” Kubrick’s movie:
I love the way the movie starts because it starts with the same paragraph of the book for me this gives the movie the sense of being based on the book considering these and giving the book some credit and of course also to the author.
I think Nadsat is another them to discuss it is really different to read in nadsat and makes the text a little bit of difficult to read but then in the movie nadsat is more like another part of the of the movie that is not completely relevant because now it can be fully comprehended by the actions of the characters. Like for example when they are at the milk bar and they are drinking when you read is a little bit difficult to understand that they are consuming drugs and in the movie e without knowing anything of nadsat at all you can understand and comprehend what the group of droogs is doing.
Another huge difference is the age of the characters that make a lot of change, in the book Alex is fifteen years old even I am older and he commits all the ultra-violence these gives the book a much more harsh and rude book that will be considered morally incorrect for older people these is why in the movie Mr. Kubrick decided to put a 20 year old guy to be the protagonist to avoid the sensation that a kid was the ultra-violent and it releases the audience off the feeling of the protagonist being a much more morally incorrect kid and instead we can say it is a morally incorrect man.
Jaime Daniel Garza Gonzalez A01376627

P.D.: We must watch other Stanley Kubrick’s films like Full Metal Jacket, Barry Lyndon, or anyone at all 

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