A Clockwork Orange. Stanley Kubrick.
By Bruno Betancourt
This article is great. I loved from the very title; "Stanley Strangelove", to the very end of it.
It basically talks about how the movie represents the darkness in the society that we live now, throughout Alex, and I agree totally. Stanley Kubrick´s movie is very close to give us the perfect mental image that the original book gives us, showing rapes, violence, and a porno-violent sci-fi comedy, as Pauline mentioned.
I think that today´s humanity is not far from what the reality of Alex and his droogs is, because even if we don´t see it, we live inside a world where darkness sorrounds us all. Alex is a very cynical, violent character, and I think that he represents the evil of our societies. We censor sex, but not violence. This takes us to the conclusion that we are already "used to" violence, and we even need it to keep ourselves entretained.
Violence is nothing new for us, as the writer said. Right now everyone is violent, our heroes and villians, and we are used to that. That´s maybe why the movie is so explicit, so that we can realize that it´s inside our nature the violence, but it´s on us and on only on us to control that nature and stop beeing violent.
Great essay! Maybe add some examples.