Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Mariana Gómez Velarde
Matrícula: A01376401
Comparative Essay

A Clockwork Orange adaptation by Kubrick has been criticized since the release of it, because he went against Burgess desires and purpose of writing it. Burgess planned to make others ask themselves about their actions and what would happen if they didn´t stop, but this wasn´t enough reason to make Kubrick quit his dreams.

Pulping A Clockwork Orange is an essay that critiques the use of the music in the movie of A Clockwork Orange. The movie creates and has the opposite effect that the use of nadsat produces while reading it. Nadsat was created to make a barrier between the reader and the story told but when it comes to talk about the movie, confusion is sowed because when a graphic scene is shown, Alex´s favorite type of music comes along, creating a feeling of annoyance to the whole movie, because the movie is somehow descriptive and gross but at the same time innocent and sweet, leading to a course feeling of displease to the movie.

In comparison, nadsat somehow distracts and puts off the reader from the story, leaving him in a constant superficial link with the novel as whole beacuse when you are reading the book, you merely understand the 30% of the words used, therefore you have to take a time to check the word meaning in the dictionary, distracting you from the real matter and always leaving you out of the loop without being aware about it.

Far from the critiques that some have done to Kubrick´s adaptation or to Burgess´ work of art, I can claim that both made a good product and got a great result, because I can´t dare to say that I can do a better movie adaptation or that I am able to make my own language, it is just something that takes big minds to get accomplished.

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