Crime and Punishment is a novel written by Fyodor Dostoevsky in 1917. Raskolnikov, the main character, thinks that the only way to save his sister from a hideous future and to get ahead of poverty is by killing an old rich woman, who is known for being a bad person.
Throughout the story, Raskolnikov faces different problems as he meets different characters (who are also going through difficult times). His morality is put to test as we, the readers, also test our own.
Crime and Punishment is a very good book: it contains developed characters, realistic settings and a breathtaking plot. It is one of those books that messes around with your mind and makes you think of things you thought you would never consider in your life.
I have read this book three times in total, and all I can say is that each time it has been a different experience. The characters seem to change their personalities, each one of them becomes more intriguing as the story develops. Their choices are sometimes hard to understand, but they have never let down my expectations.
The main character suffers from all kind of disgraces, this ends up showing his real nature and makes me think that he only did those "bad" acts because the surroundings led him to do it.
Any ways, at the end everyone will understand the book in different ways.
Its a great book! Like you say, it is one of the most insightful books i've ever read. Much like yourself. ... a mixed entry; some academic, some personal. on a blog use the personal writing style more. very good job!