In “A Clockwork Orange and Its Discontents” the author basically talks about the interpretation of music.In the article is said that Beethoven’s music related to freedom and so does Alex, and he choose “evil”, and so does Hitler (they Alex’s actions with Hitler’s”).Also the author said that violence and sex are concepts that are associated to freedom and power, but when Alex gets into jail and then tortured by the Ludovico’s Technique he was taken away our right to decide between evil or good, so somehow he became a clockwork orange as it is said in the second article “Pulping A Clockwork Orange: The Visual Adaptation of the Novel as a Violent Form of Interpretation” when it said that Alex became the clockwork orange of the Minister of the Interior, who at the same time was a clockwork orange of the government.
It is also talked about how music help us to enter in Alex’s insanity or to ease up the traumatizing scenes of the movie. It is also said that nadsat softens a lot the aggressiveness of Alex’s actions, and somehow we may sympathize with Alex.
“Music is the communication link between the screen and the audience, reaching out and enveloping all into one.”
The author said that music is linked to “desperate condition of man”, the part where they are in the Milk Bar, religion, when helps the monks in jail and the statuettes of Jesus in his room, and pleasure when he rapes the writer’s wife and when he and his droogs hit the old man.But at some point in the movie HIS music is used against him, like when he is in jail and the doctors are using the Ludovico’s Technique, which consisted in putting a special device in the eyes so that he cannot close them and the person who has this could watch all the pictures or videos that the doctors wanted him/her to see.
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