Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Mariana Gómez Velarde
Matrícula: A01376401

The only way to survive is by being a chameleon

“Those who can, do. Those who can´t, criticize.” – Anonymous.
The adolescence is a culminating period in everybody´s life, we start to know ourselves, we start to sow friendships for life, but we also start to loose people (most will not agree with me but I think that we never loose people, we just learn which ones are worth it.)

In my short life I have experienced various acts of hypocrisy and I always end up puzzled because my brain is too basic to understand the relationship between bestfriends têt to têt and enemies back to back, which actually surprises me because it seems that most people do understand that…

These actions have lead me thinking that the adolescence is not just a period of life in which you can experience but a period that actually shapes you and teaches you how to survive to a sick society. I know it sounds kind of extreme and overrated, but those who think that life is easy, I can tell you that you haven´t lived at all.

I used to be really concrete and sincere when I did my comments but I learnt that people don´t like sincere, they prefer a lie that is going to make them happy instantly, but also they hate people who isn´t able to tell them the truth, so I have got to the conclusion that the society is a contradictory force, it loves but at the same time it hates, it likes but it also loathes.

This leads me to think that life is too short to please everyone, first because it is impossible, literally talking and second, because you didn´t come to this life to please others but you, so just remember that if they talk in your absence is because they respect your presence.

“There is only one way to avoid criticism:
Do nothing,
Say nothing,

Be nothing.” – Aristotle.

1 comment:

  1. Really good essay! Your argument is well structured and developed and supported with some details. I like the use of the quotes. You need to work on your sentence structure and generic nouns.
