Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Post By Bruno Betancourt "size"

By Bruno Betancourt

People from all places often say that they cannot do anything, that they cannot be the change. Some are disappointed of themselves, and some other think that they are not powerful enough to be or to do “something”. We tend to think that we don´t represent a thing in the world. And if we think about it, we might be right. We are pretty darn small.

If we were to remove all the empty spaces between the atoms of our bodies, the entire humanity would fit inside an apple. Yes, we are surely a whole lot, but just inside our own bodies, for example, there´s twice as many different and individual organisms than humans standing on the entire earth. We all fit inside the city of Los Angeles, and if we compressed all human matter into one single piece, it would be the size of a sugar cube.

Yet, this is not something to feel disappointed about. We´re surely very small, but we are amazing. Just inside one human body, there are around 60,000 miles of blood vessels, almost three complete laps to the planet. There are almost 40 trillion cells in our bodies, which is way more than the 40 billion stars in the galaxy. We are huge, and yet we are very small. Our brain, the most powerful inside the Earth and the solar system, counts with around 100 billion neurons, each one capable of making us incredible. There are over 300 million capillaries in our lungs. If you stretched them out end to end, they would reach across the United States, and we are so amazing that the only reason that the acid inside our stomach doesn't eat our body is because the stomach cells are renewed faster than they are destroyed, even though that acid is strong enough to dissolve steel.  How amazing is that?

We are amazing, and even though we are small, we are very powerful. We have to stop complaining about things that do not matter, and stop putting as us as an excuse, because we know that we can with everything. The size of the world won´t matter if we don´t realize the size of our own bodies. We are small, yet, we are huge.